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2024 & The Future of SEO

Lift Division • Jan 17, 2024

What does AI mean for Local Search Algorithms & How Am I Supposed To Prepare My Business?

If the hint of artificial intelligence causes anxiety, you’re not alone. 

Your response is understandable. We’ve been warned (
and warned and warned!) about artificial intelligence and its impact on our lives. However, the recent introduction of AI tools, like ChatGPT, is beneficial for local SEO. While AI may be getting all the publicity right now, it is not the only SEO trend for 2024. So, what are the top SEO trends for local businesses in 2024? Check out this important message from your friend in the SEO business…

It’s here, folks. Artificial Intelligence has made its way to SEO. Don’t panic.

The rise of ChatGPT has caused Google to work on introducing a more user-centric and ethical approach to search. Google is working on creating an AI-powered search experience, Search Generative Experience (SGE). While SGE is only available in some locations, its goal is to improve user interaction by providing concise answers to a user’s search query. While it’s not ChatGPT, it is AI-powered. Results will include relevant links, underlying sources and additional prompts. 

With AI being the most influential trend in SEO right now, you must ask yourself, ‘How do I manage all of the changes in digital marketing, plus manage my business?’ That is what you’re asking yourself, right? 

While AI is here, it’s still evolving and is far from perfect. At Lift Division, our goal is to have a plan on how to manage new trends and anticipate the ripple effects. So, how can you prepare your business for new SEO trends in 2024? We’re glad you asked.

SEO Trends for 2024 & How To Prepare

Trend 1: Create Quality Content
We’ve been saying it for years, but it’s still true - content is king. To maintain, improve or grow your digital footprint in 2024, you must focus on content. Now, wait a minute, isn’t producing content quickly the whole point of tools like ChatGPT? Yes…and no. While AI content generators, like ChatGPT, will increase in number and quickly evolve, Google’s algorithms keep up and monitor copy with a heavier focus. Google prioritizes experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in content production. This will push content creators to be ethical in their content production and improve quality. 

Trend 2: Prepare Your Most Valuable Employee, Your Website
In your content creation, establishing your business as the authority will require thoughtful, comprehensive and high-quality content. However, perfect content can’t perform on a sinking ship. Your website’s Core Web Vitals is a significant influence on search engine ranking factors. Google’s consistently prioritized user experience and website performance remain one of the most influential factors.

Trend 3: Back to Basics, What People Say About You Does Matter

Beyond content and website vitals, it’s safe to say reviews will continue to be an unstoppable influence regarding local SEO in 2024. Your business’ online reputation has never been more important. Growing your presence with online reviews will continue to establish authority with Google and build trust. Can we give you some unsolicited advice? Don’t wait until it's too late. Start a review generation campaign now. 

Contact A Content Creator

Ready to stay ahead of SEO trends?

While these are the trends for 2024, we expect the digital marketing landscape to constantly evolve. Rules change. Expectations will shift. It’s the nature of digital marketing to never stay the same. However, as a business owner, we understand your priority is running your business. When you’re ready to stay ahead of SEO trends, contact the Lift Division team. We have comprehensive, effective and proven strategies to improve and grow your digital marketing presence and establish your business as a local authority. 

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